I was driving home from work and it was snowing. It was scary because other drivers still drove faster than the legal speed trying to go to hell sooner. I had my little one with me so I drove right on the speed limit and I still got passed like I was sitting still.
I do not know why people still want to drive really fast in a very bad weather. I work in an insurance company with the Auto Team. I had 3 fatality claims today and I could not believe how crazy people could be.
What do you do when the traffic lights aren't working?
What do you do if you have a flashing red light? how about a flashing yellow light? What do they mean?
A lot of people get confused with that. 3 fatality claims today from an intersection accident. Two ran a red light and the other did not stop in a flashing red light. Somebody told me that a yellow light means speed up. A huh!!! Sadly, a lot of drivers do that.

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seems like you're still in the Philiipines. still a lot of lawbreakers here when it comes to traffic rules. lol.
your baby is cute. =]
thanks for dropping by to my site. take care. ^^
Hi pogi ng baby u jo...
About your "Q" yes its my new blogs.
Thanks for dropping a note.
What a cute picture!
I understand what you are saying. I would rather take my time driving and get there in one piece. Better safe than sorry that's for sure.
So stinking cute! Hey, check out my blog, I've linked to you, it's a cute 8 random things about me post. Use it on your blog too!
nice post..in germany flashing yellow light is stopping already...be safe na lang kaysa mawad-an license..bayad pa jud ka fine...driving license here is very expensive..spent almost 4thou euro before...grabe..payag na man ni sa pinas..uy..huhuhu
musta sis..im going to vegas on may 3..layo ka did2....unya ka dool..hehehe..welcome america na jud ko..
Hello sis..mustamoz? long time no hear. So cute is your baby.. poging driver yan..
Speaking of bad drivers, madami dito sa Bahrain as in super duper spastic drivers. They just don't care and don't know the word "life" and the meaning of it. Kya ako takot mgdrive dito eh.
I think people everywhere drive like they are crazy. Yes, it is bad to speed up at the yellow light, but I know I am guilty of that too. Even though I know the rules and what most things mean some people don't and they drive the best they can or either don't care. Be safe ... you're doing the right thing.
I am loving your blog. The million dollar smile really got my attention, just loved your writing.
Gosh 3 fatalities! Sad.My grandma always tell me that in driving, one of you r foot is already in the ground.
In Holland, if the light is not working,vehicles in the right have priority.Be safe Jo.
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