Hello everyone. I do not know why I am still blogging right now. I should go to bed but my brain is still awake. How can I change this?
This is my daily routine.
1. Wake up between 9-10AM unless my son wakes me up earlier than 9Am.
2. Open just my one eye because half of my brain is still asleep.
3. Get something for my son to eat.
5. I eat breakfast with him.
6. My husband is still asleep.
7. Clean up the kitchen.
8. Bath the baby.
9. Get ready for work for a 12-9PM shift.
10. Drop my baby off to my mother-in-law's house.
11. Work.
12. Go to lunch.
13. Work.
14. Pick up the baby from mother-in-law's house and go home.
15. Change the baby into jammies.
16. Give him a snack and then milk.
17. Make him go to sleep.
18. Cook something for hubby because sometimes he is hungry from work.
19. Clean up the kitchen.
20. Watch the TV, blog, chat online or do all of them.
21. Cuddle with hubby.
21. Sleep between 1-2AM (or maybe later).
I am getting lazy. I need to go back to my son's album and finish the scrapbook that I started. I need to do something more interesting.
I am thankful that I have my son that helps me blog and chat with my friends.
Another thing that I thankful of is that there is this Photo Cards website that helps me make my own personalized card. I can just use this very easily without a hassle of going to a photo shop somewhere. I do not have time to go out just for a photo card. I can just sit here in front of my computer and personalized them while blogging. I can use my son's picture just like the blogging picture above and make it into a holiday card or a picture just like below that can be used anytime to greet a friend.

It is really great to know a website like this for moms like me that are too busy. Are you a working mom? What is your routine?
ahhhhh... I think this is called blog addiction hahahahaha... you can't fall asleep unless you visited your blog or posted something it and check and answer comments :) hahaha
cute son you have :)
your baby is sooo cute. :)
How very cute! Well, I work from home. I usually try to get up by 6:45 so I can exercise before the three smaller children get up. My teenager gets herself ready and out of the door by 7:25 a.m.
I fix breakfast for me and the smaller children. Sometimes I eat alone before them to enjoy the quiet. I take the two middle ones to daycare by 10 a.m., come back and try to get the baby to nap so I can try and make some money, take care of baby, eat lunch, work, wrestle with baby so I can work... Teenager gets home at 3:30 I leave about 5 to get the other kids and she watches the baby.
Come home, dinner, more work, maybe some t.v. and always blogging stuff somewhere in between!
The pictures are adorable.
Oh the days of a baby waking you up. I don't miss those days. ok I do a little tiny bit.
Love the blog. Came via Link Referral
your son is such a cutie... i think you're also lucky that your MIL helps you with taking care of your baby... one of the reasons why i wish my MIL lives with/near us
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